UIL Academics

2021-22 District UIL Contest Results (as of 6:30 3/23 - results pending for writing events and copy editing):

Brian Kunkel - 1st
Brandon Beal - 6th

Team: 2nd

Spelling & Vocabulary:
Kamryn McGinn - 3rd

Team: 4th

Social Studies:
Kaden Halk - 2nd
Kross Kenyon - 4th
Jackson Easterling - 5th

Team: 1st

Computer Science (Written):
Brian Kunkel - 2nd
Haydon Shipman - 5th (tie)

Team: 2nd

Computer Science (Programming:
Cross Plains - 60 points
May - 60 points

Brandon Beal - 1st (and top physics)
Johnna Maultsby - 2nd (and top biology)
Brian Kunkel - 3rd (tie/and top chemistry)
Danica Shuey - 5th

Team: 1st 

Current Issues:
Kross Kenyon - 3rd 
Wyatt Hardy - 5th (tie)

Team: 3rd

Number Sense:
Brian Kunkel - 4th (tie)
Bryson Shirk - 6th 

Team: 1st